To ensure a smoother and more intuitive user experience, we have developed an additional video game style binary. Users can seamlessly switch between different agent types using simple number keys and control their movement and viewpoint with the keyboard and mouse. This eliminates the need for thirdparty libraries for keyboard mapping ,such as pynupt.keyboard. This method offers a more flexible, dynamic, and realistic first-person perspective, helping researchers achieve high-quality embodied intelligence data collection.

Download the keyboard-controlled UE binary.

(Due to cloud storage limitations, we have currently uploaded only one map's video-like binary. More maps will be uploaded in the future.)





Keyboard Control Instructions:

  1. Once you launch the environment, you'll start in spectator mode, free to explore with the virtual camera.
  2. Ready to switch it up? Press "1" to "4" on your keyboard to hop between controlling a human, car, motorbike, and drone.
  3. Use “W, A, S, D” to navigate in any direction.
  4. Use “E” to pick up a item from the floor or table.
  5. Flying a drone? Press “E” to soar higher, “C” to dip lower, and use your mouse to swivel the view.

Game on!


We show some exmplar videos with different bodies collected by human controller.