<aside> š” Usage guidance of UnrealCV+.
UnrealCV+ is built upon UnrealCV and aims to help researchers build and use virtual worlds based on Unreal Engine (UE4/UE5). It extends the Unreal Engine project with a plugin by providing:
UnrealCV+ can be used in two ways:
We recommend you useĀ AnacondaĀ to install and manage your Python environment.Ā CV2
Ā is used for image processing, like extracting object masks and bounding boxes.Ā Matplotlib
Ā is used for visualization.
Run the command in terminal to install UnrealCV+ client:
pip install unrealcv
from unrealcv.launcher import RunUnreal
ue_binary = RunUnreal(ENV_BIN=env_bin, ENV_MAP=env_map)
env_ip, env_port = ue_binary.start(args.use_docker, parse_resolution(args.resolution), args.display, args.use_opengl, args.offscreen, args.nullrhi, str(args.gpu_id))
from unrealcv.api import UnrealCv_API
# connect to the launched UE environment
# mode: 'tcp' or 'unix', 'unix' is only for local machine in Linux
unrealcv = UnrealCv_API(port=9000, ip='', resolution=(640,480), 'tcp')
# examples of calling functions by Python APIs
# get the number of cameras
# get a color image
img = unrealcv.get_image(cam_id=0, mode='lit', show=True)
# disconnect to UE environment
<aside> š” We have enhanced the FPS (frames per second) in multi-agent settings and image rendering by incorporating parallel processes into the UnrealCV Server. Note that FPS can be further improved by reducing the image resolution, lowering the rendering quality, and decreasing the number of agents in the environment.